Lay-by Terms & Conditions

These Lay-by Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the use of our lay-by service at Hide & Seek Kids. By entering into a lay-by agreement with us, you agree to abide by these Terms, as well as the applicable Australian Consumer Law requirements. Please read these Terms carefully before proceeding with a lay-by.

How to set up a Lay-by:

  1. Browse the Hide & Seek Kids website, add the products to your cart.

  2. Checkout the order like any other purchase but select “Lay-by” within the payment method of the checkout. Double check your email address is correct, this is our primary means of communication.

  3. Hide & Seek Kids will then receive the Lay-by order, it will be processed, and your Lay-by will be created.

  4. You will receive an email with your Lay-by arrangement, this email will include all the “How to Pay” details.

  5. If you do not receive this Lay-by email within a few days, please contact Hide & Seek Kids.

Minimum value – Lay-by is available on purchases of $400 or more.

Service Fee – A $20 non-refundable service fee will be charged for all lay-by's; this is included in the deposit. 

Deposit – Each new Lay-by requires a minimum $170 deposit at the time of receiving the Lay-by invoice. Deposits not paid within 7 days of invoice will result in the lay-by cancellation.

Exclusions – Lay-by is not available on sale items. Lay-bys processed with sale pricing will automatically be declined.

Term – 

  1. Standard Lay-by is available for a 90-day term and must be paid in full and collected by the finalisation date printed on the receipt. 

  2. Christmas Lay-by is a rolling term lay-by with the final date being the Monday 17th November 2025 and therefore the lay-by must be paid in full.

Payments – Lay-by's are self-managed, allowing the buyer the flexibility to make payments as frequently and in whatever amounts you prefer.

Fully Paid Lay-by's – All lay-by's that are paid off will be organised for delivery within 5 business days. Hide & Seek Kids cannot hold any fully paid lay-bys after 5 business days.

Payment Methods – Bank deposit is the only accepted method of payment. Hide & Seek Kids is unable to manually process any "Buy Now, Pay Later", credit card payment methods. Ensure reference numbers are used on all payments. Failure to identify payments will result in delays in reconciled balances and lay-by collections/delivery.

Reminders – Throughout the duration of the Lay-by term, the buyer will receive via e-mail several reminders. These reminders will include balance due and the lay-by end date.

Cancellation – If you cancel your Lay-by, fail to make payments when they are due, or fail to collect Lay-by's by the due date we will refund you all amounts paid, minus a cancellation fee of $150 and $15 service fee, totaling $165.

Unpaid Lay-by's cannot be extended beyond the final date, unpaid lay-bys will result in cancellation.

No Modification – Lay-by orders cannot be modified.

Collection – The Lay-by must be paid in full before goods can be taken or delivered.